
And the winner is .....

I was looking at the stats for my website visitors. Over a period of one month, I got 262 visitors who were Linux users. I had 131 WinXP users (the nearest runner up), just 50 % of Linux score.

Who says MS-Windows is a popular OS ?



Mathematical writing

"Mathematical Writing" by Donald E. Knuth, Tracy Larrabee, and Paul M. Roberts

This is a report based on a course given at Stanford University in 1987.

I stumbled on a pdf version of this classic by D E Knuth. Gives you many rules of clean and clear mathematical writing. It borrows many ideas from the classic book of style by Struk and White. This is a must-read for all those who (like me) use maths for making a living. Wish my maths teachers had read this book before teaching me maths.



Mathematics made difficult ..... and fun

Mathematics made difficult
[by] Carl E. Linderholm. (207 pages | 1972 | ISBN: 0529045524 | DJVU/PDF )

This is a remarkable book with a remarkably innovative title. It is usual for books to claim that they make a given subject simple, or uncomplicated (whereas, in fact, they complicate the subject beyond any hope). This book starts with an unusual claim. It may or may not have made maths difficult, but it certainly makes maths real fun to explore and discover. Each problem, and the discussion that follows, is a bundle of very hilarious and often subtle humour. The author however, manages to retain the rigour and precision of maths.

Thankfully, this book is available for download from the w-w-web. There are actually many sources from where you can download.

Download the book, read it, enjoy the wisdom, and become a better maths teacher.
