
15/2012 Online event management system +1

Welcome to OpenConf : Peer Review & Conference Management Made Simple. Take a look at ::


14/2012 Online event management

Allsymposium.com is a Free online event & management portal where Students & Academicians benefit by Creating, Configuring (with themes, background etc) ,Sharing with Social networking sites, Online ticketing & Managing user registrations via My Dashboard their events like Seminars, Symposiums,Culturals,Workshops,Conference etc. You can have a look at http://www.allsymposium.com (link)


13/2012 Using LaTeX for maths

LaTeX is frequently used for typesetting mathematically rich text.How many of us know how to do this nicely ?

Here are some useful tips::




12/2012 The Penguin leads the blind

viSparsh (Haptic belt for visually impaired )

viSparsh is a wearable navigation-device, in the form of a waist belt, which helps visually handicapped persons to move around autonomously. viSparsh is a fusion of two words,"vision"and "sparsh" (touch). Created by young engineers from India, under the Young India Fellowship Program of the University of Pennsylvania USA, and mentored by Prof. Rahul Mangharam, (Director, mLAB, Stephen J. Angello Chair of Electrical & Systems Engg, Dept. of Electrical and Systems Engineering, School of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Pennsylvania), this device can be of immense help in a country like India which has a large number of blind persons and low level of resources.

Details of viSparsh can be found at : http://www.visparsh.blogspot.com/

You can also watch a video of viSparsh in action:: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KTmGZ6sElnU

The icing on the cake :: ViSparsh uses Linux (Ubuntu 10.10)!

You can contact the visparsh team at :: visparsh@gmail.com