
5-2024 The mathematician who starved himself to death .....

Mathematicians are queer people. The more they are gifted, the more they behave weird. Here is the best example :: Kurt Godel Kurt Gödel, the author of Gödel’s incompleteness theorems (Kurt Gödel 1906 -1978 )
was born in Austria-Hungary. His two incompleteness theorems changed the way we should look at mathematics. “The first incompleteness theorem states that in any consistent formal system F within which a certain amount of arithmetic can be carried out, there are statements of the language of F which can neither be proved nor disproved in F. According to the second incompleteness theorem, such a formal system cannot prove that the system itself is consistent (assuming it is indeed consistent).” Gödel also showed that neither the axiom of choice nor the continuum hypothesis can be disproved from the accepted Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory, assuming that its axioms are consistent. The former result opened the door for mathematicians to assume the axiom of choice in their proofs.
He also made important contributions to proof theory by clarifying the connections between classical logic, intuitionistic logic, and modal logic.
Later in his life, Gödel suffered periods of mental instability and illness. Following the assassination of his close friend Moritz Schlick, Gödel developed an obsessive fear of being poisoned, and would eat only food prepared by his wife Adele. Adele was hospitalized beginning in late 1977, and in her absence Gödel refused to eat; he weighed 29 kilograms (65 lb) when he died of "malnutrition and inanition caused by personality disturbance" in Princeton Hospital on January 14, 1978. He was buried in Princeton Cemetery.


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