
There is hope for Nepal

As long as there are colleges like NEC and teachers like Daya Ram Budhathoki, there is hope for Nepal. Wish them good luck and success.


Dear Dr. Partha,
Thank you very much for your wonderful and expert presentation in Foss for educational institution at Nepal Engineering College. I think your lecture definitely gave some rays of hope on migrating to Linux from pirated version of Windows and other proprietary software.

I hope, NEC in coming days,will be using:
1. GCC compiler instead of Turbo C for C and C++ lab.
2. KOHA for Library Management System
3. Scilab for Matlab
4. OpenOffice.org instead of Micorsoft word.
5. Mysql or Postgresql instead of Oracle
6. Moodle for For Course Management System
7. iTALC for intelligent Teaching and Learning with Computers.
8. Latex for Documentation, Thesis and Report writing.
9.Linux System instead of Microsoft
I would like to appeal all the faculty members, students, management committee and non teaching staff to promote open source movement in Nepal Engineering College. Really, there is no doubt you will feel the liberty in Linux that you will never experience in Microsoft Windows.

Thank you.

Lecturer. Daya Ram Budhathoki
Nepal Engineering College
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Changunarayan, Bhaktapur
Mob. no:977-1-9741213794
Email: dayaramb@nec.edu.np


Indian impact

Spent a day today (2011/11/17) at Nepal Engg. College, (NEC) Bhaktapur, Nepal. Showed them why colleges like NEC should adopt FOSS more vigorously. I think I created a good impact. Let us wait and watch.



India does it again !

Today's (14 Nov. 2011) Google doodle is from India !

I understand that this Children's Day (14 Nov.) Google Doodle is Drawn by 7 Year-old Girl "Varsha Gupta" from Greater Noida, Congrats Varsha Gupta.