
64 / 2013 Course Chronicle (crypto - v4)

Crypto - v4 Course Chronicle
Course website : profpartha.webs.com/cryptov4.htm
Course Instructor : Prof. S. Parthasarathy (drpartha@gmail.com)
Each session = 90 min. approx

Session #DateEvents
34,352014-01-12Final exam.
32,332014-01-08Closure. Debriefing. Exam announcement and instructions. Course feedback and speakout. Salute the giants.
Videos: 1. Alan Turing 2. Claude Shannon
30, 312014-01-03Misc. concepts and tools: Leet, one-way encryption, steganography, Hamming, Chaffing and winnowing, secure wipe/shred, ethical hacking, practice what you preach.
28, 292014-01-02SSL at work. Detailed overview of SSL. Downloading and importing CA root certificate, and CRL. CRL vs OCSP.
Videos :
1. The web is down
3. How SSL works
26, 272014-01-01 Network security tools. PKI. TCP/IP. IPV4 vs IPV6. IPSEC. Other tools.
24, 252013-12-27Principles of Authentication, Identity authentication, content authentication, zero-knowledge authentication, challenge-response authentication, biometric authentication, passwords. Strong passwords. Demo of password meters.

Video: What are smart cards ?
22, 232013-12-26Security enhanced Linux, Multi-level security, BIOS password, Bootloader password, Login password, secure coding tools, Discretionary access control,
 Mandatory access control,

Physical verification of GPG fingerprints of students keys.
20, 212013-12-25Number theory -- DL problem.

Overview of RSA algorithm.

Mid course review. The Indian angle.
18, 192013-12-20Fundamental concepts in number theory, Peano's axioms, What are Numbers ?, Divisibility, quotient, remainder, modulo arithmetic, properties of modulo arithmetic, Fermat's little theorem, Euler's generalisation, modulo inverse, Prime numbers, co-primes, Euler's totient function, GCD, Euclidean algorithm, extended Euclidean algorithm.
16, 172013-12-16Cryptographic standards. Block ciphers, Feistel structures. DES, 3DES, AES. ECB, CBC modes, S box, P box. Overview of Blowfish, IDEA.

Video -- Key strength and brute force attacks. Exercise 5, 5a, 5b
13, 14, 152013-12-13GPG Command examples. Export keys. Import keys. Secure key distribution.

Exercises : 4a, 4b, 4c -- importing keys securely
12, 132013-12-09GPG introduction. Command examples.

Demo: Creating GPG key pairs.
9, 10, 112013-12-06Pig pen cipher, Block ciphers, Feistel networks. Hash digests, MAC and HMAC, principles of hash digests, properties of hash digests, md family vs. sha family, sha3, digital signatures, properties and usage, demos of md5sum and shasum, "How to build a fortress"

Video: Diffie Helman key exchange -- paints analogy

Exercise #3: Subscribe Schneier's cryptogram newsletter.
7, 82013-12-02Symm. key crypto contd., ROT13, XOR, Vigenere cipher, trap-door functions, factoring problem, discrete logarithm problem.

Video: Locked box analogy
Demo: Doing it with zip. Doing it with vi

Exercise #2: Symmetric encryption with zip.
5, 62013-11-28Elements of cryptography, terminology, encryption vs. decryption, Why Alice and Bob should go on a holiday, Caesar's cipher, symmetric keys, key exchange problem, concepts of asymmetric key cryptography, public key vs. private key.

Videos: Ronald Rivest, Bruce Schneier.
3,42013-11-27e-security: risks, threats, remedies. Simple examples.

Exercises #1a, #1b, #1c. Handout DVD distributed to the class.
1, 22013-11-21Start crypto-v4 course. Take off lecture.

Security questionnaire.
02013-11-10 to 2013-11-20 Political disturbances. KU closed due to strikes.


63/2013 You need help ?

You need more info. ? You need help ?

If you want help, and you expect people to help you, ask. But, ask wisely and with some sense of decency and responsibility.

Learn how you can prove that you deserve being helped.


62/2013 A sequel to the sequel

This is a sequel to my post 61/2013. My final and definive response to the cynical, xenophobic and puerile comments made by some of you, is here.


60/2013 Cryptography for e-security (crypto-v3) May 2013- July 2013

Cryptography Course (crypto-v3)- website ::


Each ession = 90 minutes

Class #DateHighlights
19, 202013-06-21Closure and Debriefing session. Misc. security techniques :: steganography, hamming, chaffing, winnowing, shred. Exam details announced. Videos on : Alan Turing, Claude Shannon.
182013-06-20Network security tools : SSH
SSL Explained
16, 172013-06-11Authentication. Testing password strength.
Network security Tools. IPV6, IPSEC, PEM. S/MIME, SET, SSL/TLS.
15a2013-06-12Linux overview. Twin boot concept. Installing Linux/Ubuntu demo. Distributed copies of BOSS Linux.
152013-06-09Authentication principles. Two factor authentication. Biometric authentication. Passwords.
13, 142013-06-07Elementary number theory. Modular arithmetic. Fermat's little theorem, Euler's theorem. Factoring problem. Inverse Logarithm problem. Prime numbers. GCD. Euclidean algorithm and extended Euclidean algorithm.
Overview of RSA algorithm
122013-06-06Overview of some cryptographic standards. Feistel networks. DES, 3DES, IDEA. S box. P box.
112013-06-02Hash digests. Essential properties. md family vs sha family. Merkle Damgard construction. Role of digests in digital signatures. sha3 competition and result. How to build a fortress with hash digest and digital signature.
09, 102013-05-31PGP/GPG. Encrytion, decryption, signing, verfification with GPG. Keys and key management using Command Line. KGPG interface, Thunderbird interface.
082103-05-30Security issues in operating systems. Linux security features.
Introduction to PGP/GPG
072013-05-26Security issues in operating systems. Linux security features. SE Linux.
05, 062013-05-24Asymm. Key Cryptography. Intro: AKC, PKI, PKC, X509. Viginere Cipher, Feistel cipher, Pigpen cipher. Stream cipher vs block cipher. Encryption, signing. Videos: DH key exchange, suitcase analogy.
042013-05-23Symm. Key Cryptography. Demo using zip, vi. Videos -- Ron Rivest, Bruce Schneier.
Distributed copies of course DVD
032013-05-19CE students (56) join the class.
Cryptography fundamental principles.
022013-05-16E-security overview. Threats, remedies.
012013-05-15CS students = 19. Take-off lecture. Course overview.